
It’s the perfect “timing” for optical frequency combs

Jungwon KIM

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea

Optical frequency combs, with their unique features in both the time and frequency domains, have transformed precision science and engineering over the last two decades. In this lecture, I will present on the latest progress in the ultralow-noise frequency combs and their applications with an emphasis on precision timing, synchronization, and microwave/mm-wave photonics. Both mode-locked laser combs and chip-scale micro-combs can reach quantum-limited timing jitter performances, which allows for various timing applications with unprecedented precision. I will present innovative comb timing applications including attosecond optical timing, on-chip clock distribution networks, ultralow-noise microwave/mm-wave signal generation, photonic analog-to-digital conversion, ranging, imaging and vibration sensing, and timing and synchronization for ultrafast X-ray/electron science and radio astronomy.