
On-chip laser sources fabricated using standardized
photonic integration technology on indium phosphide

Sylwester ŁĄTKOWSKI1,2, Katia PANINA1,2, Erwin BENTE1, Kevin WILLIAMS1

1Photonic Integration, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Den Dolech 2, 5612AZ Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2Photonic Integration Technology Center, Groene Loper 5612AZ, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Photonic integration technologies, standardized at the foundry level, and mature process design kits enable the design and fabrication of large complexity application-specific photonic integrated circuits. Indium phosphide-based, monolithic active-passive integration naturally provides a reliable co-integration of optical gain elements and therefore realization of advanced laser systems. An overview of currently available technologies and services from JePPIX will be provided. Examples of single and multi-wavelength laser sources in the form of photonic integrated circuits for applications in telecommunications, sensing, and RF photonics will presented.