Grzegorz CHROBAK, Sebastian STANO
IPG Photonics, ul. Wyczółkowskiego 8, 44-109 Gliwice
This work presents a new type of IPG lasers for different applications. From milliWatt to >100 kW, from deep UV to Mid-infrared, from CW to femtosecond pulsed operation, IPG Photonics develops diverse specialized lasers to researchers and engineers for biomedical, quantum computing, defense, new materials development and microprocessing applications. IPG lasers and amplifiers are used in optical pumping, metrology, holography, interferometry, optical tweezers, remote sensing and high-resolution spectroscopy. In defense applications they are used for spectral beam combining and directed energy, obstacle warning, LIDAR, illumination and IR.
Single mode lasers and amplifiers and low order laser up to 30 kW are used in power beaming applications. Single-frequency, linearly polarized Yb and Er lasers and amplifiers are used in cold atom trapping and metrology. Packaged diodes at 915-980 nm and 878 nm are used for pumping fiber lasers or Vanadate lasers.
Pulsed lasers from microseconds to ultrafast across all wavelengths are used for fine processing of metal foils and non-metals: ceramics, glass, fused silica, sapphire, silicon, plastics, CFRP etc.
SWIR and Mid-IR hybrid lasers in the 1.6 μm to 12 μm wavelength range span all modes of operation from continuous wave to femtosecond. Multi-octave spectra, super bright Watt-level power and ultra-low pulse timing jitter enable the implementation of compact and reliable optical frequency combs for real-world applications such as dual comb spectroscopy, imaging and sensing.
IPG proprietary pulse shaping technology enables creation of desired temporal pulse shapes, from the shortest near-transform-limited pulse to a variety of programmable waveforms. IPG offers both standalone pulse shapers and an integrated laser solution. A common application for these devices is dispersion pre-compensation to achieve a near-Fourier-transform-limited pulse duration at a target location rather than at a laser output. The comprehensive pulse shaping capabilities are ideally suited for ultrafast applications that benefit from specific tailoring of pulse shapes or pulse sequences in the time domain.